Can you spot a cultural difference in the photo above?
I'm not talking about the motorcycle, but rather the little something on the ground right in front of it (I thought a close-up might not be the most appealing picture). So yes, that's just a pile of dog poop on the sidewalk. You see, in Paris, people don't feel the need to pick up after their dogs. Trash cans (or rather large standing trash bags) line the streets, so if pet walkers brought a few small plastic bags with them, it's not like they'd have to carry it around for the rest of the day. Yet, for some reason, it doesn't happen, and the mess just sits on the sidewalk until someone inevitably steps in it or the city clean-up people take care of it.
Moral of the story: If you're ever in Paris, watch your step. And don't expect to see a Jason Segal-in-I Love You, Man-style freak-out.
i spotted it! the cars only have 2 wheels in france. weeeiiirrrdd